Are Dental Implants Safe? Benefits and Risk Factors for Dental Implants from a Dentist in Wrentham.
When you have missing teeth, more than just the aesthetics of your smile is impacted. Functionality, including chewing and speaking abilities, can also be hampered. Dental implants in Wrentham, MA, will help improve any issues you may be facing due to missing teeth. Dr. Rawat and the team at Advanced Dental Practices in Wrentham, MA, continue to provide safe dental implants for patients in need. So, if you find yourself wondering, “where can I find a dentist near me that does dental implants?” then look no further.

While dental implants will help improve speech issues or self-image issues you may be experiencing due to missing teeth, the surgery is not without risk. No surgery ever is. You should feel safe in knowing that dental implant surgeries performed by Dr. Rawat have an incredibly high success rate, and there are rarely issues stemming from the procedure. Let us take a look at some of the benefits offered by dental implants, as well as some risks.
The Safety of Dental Implants
Today, many dentists use titanium or titanium alloys for dental implants, but Dr. Rawat also utilizes dental implants made of zirconia. These same materials are used in other surgeries as well, including orthopedic implants and artificial hearts. Zirconia, in its pure form, is a metallic mineral. When combined with oxygen, it becomes a ceramic that is considered non-metallic and ceramic. There is a reason for the use of zirconia in these types of surgeries: biocompatibility. Biocompatibility simply means that your body will not have an adverse reaction to it as it is not toxic and does not cause harm to other living tissues it will come into contact with. Zirconia also has an incredibly low electrical conductivity, making it one of the most biocompatible materials used in surgeries today. In addition, zirconia is very resistant to corrosion and rust when placed inside living tissue. All of this makes zirconia dental implants very safe for humans.
Dental Implant Risks
Studies have shown that the rate of failure with dental implants is as low as 1 to 2 percent. The biggest cause of this minuscule percentage of failures is bacterial development. In some cases, bacteria can cause the implant itself to become contaminated during insertion, but a larger reason for problems related to dental implant surgery is related to the implant site. Bacteria can infect the implant site and surrounding tissue, causing various problems. This makes it especially important that any underlying infection of the gums or jaw be handled before any implant insertion is attempted. Once you have healthy tissue to work with, you will be a good candidate for a dental implant.
Additional Risk Factors
There are some additional risks that can cause dental implant failure. However, most of these risks are associated with poor oral hygiene, parafunction (clenching/grinding) or pre-existing medical conditions, including diabetes.
Poor oral hygiene is one of the biggest factors when looking at the side effects of receiving a dental implant. If tartar is allowed to build up around the artificial tooth, it can affect the gums around the implant, causing irritation and infection. If left untreated, this infection can spread into the tissue around the implant.
People who clench or grind their teeth during sleep or otherwise are at risk as well. These habits can cause the implant to undergo unnecessary forces, which can cause failure either due to fracture or bone resorption around the implant. If you have such habits, then it is strongly recommended to get a night guard after the culmination of treatment or get a sleep evaluation done.
Pre-existing medical conditions such as diabetes can also increase the risk around a dental implant. For individuals with diabetes, wounds can take longer to heal, making them more at risk for infection and surgical complications. The healing ability of the gums and bones at the site of the implant can also be impaired. This is not to say that if you have diabetes that you are not a good candidate for a dental implant. Many who have diabetes that is properly treated and controlled undergo very successful implant surgery at a success rate comparable to those who do not have diabetes.
Reducing Your Risk
As with any surgery, dental implants do carry some risk. Making sure your dentist is highly qualified, such as in the case of Dr. Rawat at Advanced Dental Practices in Wrentham, MA will go a long way in reducing these risks. Following any instructions provided for aftercare exactly as given will also minimize any risks post-operation. If you are ready to fill those gaps in your smile with a natural-looking dental implant, there is no need to hesitate. Give Advanced Dental Practices in Wrentham, MA, a call today at (508) 456-7111 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Rawat.